• Great Talks & Great Walks

    " To read a poem in January is as lovely as to go for a walk in June." - Jean-Paul Sartre.

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    Start with a Talk

    Book of the Month

    If you’ve been looking for more ways to move more, we are launching a free walking group that will promote mind and body health.

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    Next Take A Walk  


    Our group will meet for a 15–minute discussion of a pre-assigned eBook. Then, we will complete a 45-minute walk. Walking is extremely accessible for all ages and fitness level abilities.

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    Take A Walk with Arthur Miller

    Event #1 - Virtual Walk

    Read The New Yorker article, then listen to the Video Interview with Arthur Miller while you walk around your house, block or park.

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    Take A Walk with Luther Vandross

    Event #2 - Virtual Walk

        Listen to the NPR Tribute to Luther Vandross and memorial to R&B Giant Luther Vandross.

    Then listen to the Video of Luther and Whitney Houston where Luther Vandross talks to Whitney about his concern over his weight gain. Whitney tells him, “But Luther, they can’t sing.”

    Listen to these musical tributes while you dance or walk around your house or home.


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    Take A Walk with Alice Munro

    Event #3 - Virtual Walk

    Alice Munro won the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature for Short Stories. One reviewer wrote that her short stories are like “dazzling teaspoons that weigh tons.” Munro told the Canadian media: “I knew I was in the running, yes, but I never thought I would win.” Instead of running, try walking and listening to her interview.

    After the interview, listen to James Blunt perform at the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize concert.

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    Take A Walk with Mary Oliver

    Event #4 - Virtual Walk


    Imagine that you are taking The Morning Walk with the poet as she greets the day and is grateful for all the sounds of nature that she encounters. I am grateful that I have Mary Oliver as my guide.


    Read an interview with Mary Oliver and listen to her thoughts about poetry.


    This song video by Sting begins with him and his Springer Spaniel walking beside the gates to his barley fields. He reminds us of the West Wind and that love never dies. We remember the beauty of that love and its golden glow "as we walk in Fields Of Gold ..


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    Take A Walk with Hank Aaron

    Event #5 - Virtual Walk

    Walking with Hank Aarron


    Listen to the baseball legend Hank Aaron speak about his career and what he did to overcome the hatred and racism to become one of the greatest homerun kings of all time with 755 homerun hits. In addition to being a great right fielder, his legacy is his strength and commitment as a civil rights hero. He definitely had "diamonds on the soles of his shoes" as he ran around the baseball diamond.


    Read about his life in the book Heroes with Humble Beginnings.


    Listen to Paul Simon and the 13-member a cappella vocal group, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, sing together on the song Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes . "That’s one way to lose these walking blues."

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    Take A Walk with Gail Honeyman

    Event #6 - Virtual Walk

    Companionship is important, but finding the right person is difficult after years of loneliness. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, after months of lockdown and shelter-in place orders, "experts worry about a rise in the number of people feeling alone, especially among young people and older adults."

    Loneliness is also difficult after romantic break-ups, divorce, and loss of friendship. Listen to Gail Honeyman describe her novel: Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine. Her book teaches us that small acts of kindness can help strangers and reduce our own loneliness.


    Jackson Browne wrote the song These Days (51:32 - 56:38) when he was a teenager. Originally it was entitled, I've Been Out Walking . The fact that Jackson still sings this song as an adult, probably represents his small act of kindness to share with others.

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    Take a Walk with a Doc

    Topic -Summer Medical Emergencies - Part 1

    Event Time and Date to be Announced


    Take Free Walks to Support Food Insecurity in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Walking is a low-impact activity that offers a number of health benefits. A person should take the length and intensity of the walk into account to reap the maximum advantages. Fitting in just 30 minutes at least 5 days per week can help lower blood pressure, reduce risk of diabetes, and achieve a healthy weight.

    In addition, walking has positive mental health benefits too. A mindful walk or following a walking trail – when performed regularly – helps manage stress and alleviate the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

    Participation in outdoor group activities or other health-oriented enrichment experiences has a positive effect on general health and wellness.

    Listen to Promised Walk